Stacy Benjamin, Principal Ecologist, has conducted hundreds of wetland and natural resource projects since 1996. Project experience ranges from due diligence site investigations to full-service permitting and agency compliance on sites ranging from less than an acre to thousands of acres and for projects ranging from residential and commercial development to infrastructure and utility projects. Representative project experience follows below, additional project experience is available upon request.
Clean Water Services vegetated corridor assessment Projects; Washington County, Oregon
Stacy has provided wetland and environmental permitting services and obtained Service Provider Letters for dozens of public and private projects. She has provided these services for stormwater and sanitary sewer upgrade projects as well as for private development projects. Services have included conducting wetland and waters delineations, assessing vegetated corridor (wetland and stream buffer) impacts to meet Clean Water Services sensitive areas certification requirements, preparing vegetated corridor mitigation plans, and obtaining wetland removal/fill permits from the Oregon Department of State Lands and Clean Water Act Section 404 permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Godfrey Park Storm Sewer Replacement; St. Helens, Oregon
This City of St. Helens project involved replacing 2,000 linear feet of existing storm sewer pipe and an undersized outfall to the Columbia River. Wetland services provided in support of this project included a wetland and waters delineation and obtaining permits from the Oregon Department of State Lands and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for impacts to jurisdictional waters, including a Clean Water Act Section 10 permit for impacts to a navigable water. A land use permit was also obtained from the City of St. Helens to comply with their sensitive lands ordinance and the protective measures for significant wetlands, riparian corridors, and protection zones required under their municipal code.
St. Helens Industrial Business Park; St. Helens, Oregon
Wetland Solutions Northwest conducted a wetland delineation of the approximately 200 acre former Boise white paper industrial site and obtained jurisdictional determinations from the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) for approximately 15 acres of wetlands and waters. WSNW is currently part of the multi-disciplinary design team working for the City to redevelop the property as a business park. WSNW is providing wetland permitting and mitigation services to meet the requirements of the DSL and Corps as well as providing permitting services to meet the City’s sensitive lands requirements.
Beaver Bark; Scappoose, Oregon
Services provided for this project included a wetland and waters delineation in a disturbed portion of the site used for capturing stormwater. WSNW coordinated the jurisdictional determination with the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and obtained a determination of exempt from DSL’s permitting requirements and a determination of non-jurisdictional from the Corps.
Hillsboro Airport Runway Safety Area Improvements; Hillsboro, Oregon
Wetland Solutions Northwest provided environmental permitting services for the Runway 13R-31L safety area improvements project. WSNW prepared a joint wetland permit application for submittal to the Oregon Department of State Lands and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, prepared a Service Provider Letter application for submittal to Clean Water Services, and prepared the existing conditions and affected environment sections of the NEPA Environmental Assessment for the project. WSNW services also included wetland and stream functional assessment and conceptual mitigation strategy coordination for impacted wetlands and vegetated corridors.